Masat-1 has been on orbit for more than a week. According to the feedback and the packets received so far, everything is OK on-board. Today the satellite entered the first orbit with a small section of it in eclipse. This opens up a new phase of the mission, which is especially exciting from the sci...
OSCAR Number Administrator Bill Tynan, W3XO reports, “Congratulations on the successful launch of the MaSat-1 Cubesat that the team at Budapest University of Technology and Economics have been responsible for designing, building and testing. Since you have met all of the requirements for being...
Our updated client-software is available on this page. Thank you for the highly helpful feedback you sent us about the software. Please keep us informed of your opinion and remarks. Notable changes:...
New contacts We carefully save and process all incoming packets, reception reports, CW telemetry data reports and .wav files. To enable us to process the incoming information in an effective way, you are respectfully asked to send your message keeping in mind the following guidelines: Logging and se...
MNI TNX to HAMs! We proudly report that our satellite has been operating for more than 4 days without any issues. We have been extremely enthusiastic since we first noticed the endless flow of received packets from all around the world, giving an unbiased proof of the satellite’s operation. We...