Our updated client-software is available on this page. Thank you for the highly helpful feedback you sent us about the software. Please keep us informed of your opinion and remarks. Notable changes:
- You can allow parallel decoding of 625/1250bps data, no need to switch manually. This will allow users to receive, decode and report file parts, including image parts.
- The program stores some of the user settings upon program close: position of the windows, selected audio input/output, state of the 625/1250 buttons.
- If you load *.log and *.wav files, the decoded packets are not logged to file and online reporting is disabled for these parts. Online reporting is enabled only for packets decoded from audio input.
- Minor enhancements based on the responses from the Radio Amateurs.
Hint: Type “masat” in the frequency waterfall window during a pass and use the LEFT – RIGHT arrow keys 🙂