The statistics of the packets received online in the last 168 hours of Masat-1’s life have been compiled. OM3BC 1,975 Slovakia HA3JK 1,909 Hungary HA6NM 1,611 Hungary Rothe Rainer 1,554 Germany JA1GDE 969 Japan Szokolai Tamás 962 Hungary JA0CAW 763 Japan Tachikawa Amateur Radio Club 433...
According to the prediction made on 06.01.2015. Masat-1’s reentry is expected between 21:00 UTC on friday 9th january 2015 and 14:00 UTC on saturday 10th january 2015. Reentry may occur with equal probability within this timeframe. The timeframe around the nominal expected reentry date of satu...
We would like to thank the radio amateurs and everybody else again for helping us over the last nearly 3 years by sending numerous Masat-1 packets received from space. We would like to take this opportunity to draw attention to the impending deorbitation. Masat-1, Hungary’s first satellite, is expec...